
“If you stop putting yourself off, I guarantee
that in 90 days you will feel transformed.”
“If you stop putting yourself off, I guarantee that in 90 days
you will feel transformed.”


Taking care of yourself has never mattered more.

Like most of my clients, demands are coming at you from all sides. You struggle to put order in your day. Your nutrition is suffering, your weight is creeping up, and you don’t recognize your body. You’re tired, and you aren’t sleeping enough. Your leadership is suffering, and there are moments of overwhelm and even anxiety. You feel stuck, discouraged, and depleted.

Chances are, you’ve tried things that haven’t worked, or you don’t know where to start. You keep putting yourself off until Monday or when things calm down or the kids move out.

I understand. Nutrition, our weight, menopause, and even our mind-body connection are tough to manage on our own. They are incredibly complex, emotionally loaded, and highly personal.

But self-care is non-negotiable. If you don’t put yourself first, you put everything you value at risk. Your happiness, goals, and longevity depend on taking action today.

Don’t believe the hype.

There is no silver bullet. There is no quick fix. You have to invest in yourself if you want to live well. And the longer you wait, the harder it is to make a change.

It sounds dramatic, but you know it’s true.

Start achieving the impact you desire by having the health and wellness you deserve.

Book a free 45-minute consult (worth $250) to identify the root of your challenges and receive strategies you can start implementing today.  

Here is the good news.

Jennifer Barsky reading coanh and mentor

You have control over how you age
and how you feel doing it.

I will help you find your motivation then guide you to create a structure and lifestyle that will have you thriving.


90 days to thrive.

I specialize in working with leading women who want to feel powerful, light, healthy, and energized but struggle to dedicate the time and find the reliable information, structure, and support they need to thrive through midlife. 

My holistic process is 100% paced and tailored to you. You will be listened to, and you will be heard. No magic pills or fad diets. Just powerful leadership, lifestyle and dietary strategies for an empowered life.

In 90 days, you will release the emotional and physical weight holding you back and replace it with new patterns, habits, and ways of showing up for yourself so you can lead truly well. Guaranteed.

One-on-one mentoring

The transformation process.

I coach the way I want to be coached. With authority, empathy, and practical strategies that will integrate seamlessly into your life. 

Simple strategies
In a confidential, safe space, we define your personal and professional goals, understand the source of your challenges then peel away the habits and areas of your life weighing you down.  You will effectively manage your time, uncover what works and doesn't work for you, and I will guide, encourage, support, and keep you on track.
Your priorities
We will uncover what you really want, develop your capacity to change, then make that positive change happen. You will build confidence around good nutrition, reach and maintain your optimal weight, manage your time and stress, balance your hormones and develop positive lifestyle and self-care habits that work for you for life. 
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Lasting change
I put you back in control of your health and wellness so you can find your leadership voice and pursue your passions. No more guesswork, no more resistance. You will have the tools you need to get the results you want and sustain them independently, no matter what life throws at you. 
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I customize your nutrition and teach you when, how, and what to eat to thrive. You will repair your relationship with food, health your gut, shed unhealthy weight and inflammation and feel healthy, light, and energized.


We will uncover your blocks, overcome resistance, and shift negative energy, stress, and anxiety through coaching, meditation, and breathwork. You will find the calm, control, and motivation necessary to inspire and empower.


We will identify your future aspirations – relationships, health, lifestyle, and impact – and put in place a strategy to move towards them. You will have the clarity, balance, and confidence to lead from wellness and sustain your results.


Back from the brink of burnout, empowered and full of direction
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"I was nearing burnout when we started working together. Jennifer helped me understand the links between my wellbeing and my leadership and together we completely revamped my nutrition and self-care. Once I started feeling better, we developed my five-year life vision. It was incredibly powerful. I am so much more effective, focused, and excited."
I learned to move, breath, calm my stress and I loved every minute of it
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"Jennifer is an exceptionally knowledgeable and patient yoga and meditation instructor. Her teaching is wonderfully energetic and strong, but also calm and connected. I was never able to meditate before I started working with her. Now I can disconnect and find calm on my own, even in the most stressful periods. She has the most amazing voice and energy. I loved practicing with her."
Changed my habits, lost the weight and got on a healthier path
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"Thank you for changing my bad habits, introducing me to nutritious eating, and sharing ways to improve gut-healing naturally for weight loss. Your desire to help and share your knowledge with women to better understand their bodies at all stages in life is greatly appreciated. Your guidance for my weight loss has been so important to make me feel better and towards the healthier path, I needed help to find."
I learned the source of my symptoms and got myself back in the process
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“When I met Jennifer I was ready to step down from my position as CEO because I didn't think I could give anymore. Thanks to our work together I don’t feel tired all the time and have stopped snapping at everything. I realize now my symptoms were my lifestyle, not just my menopause. I am so grateful to Jennifer."
Only 60 days and I feel healthy and in the lead again
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“I wish I would have known earlier how much I could achieve in only two months. I am eating so well, sleeping even better and I am no longer exhausted all the time. Jennifer made it so easy to feel healthy and good again. I am back in front of my team, not leading from the sidelines.”
Shed the weight and learned so much about my body along the way
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"Thank you, Jennifer, for all your efforts, knowledge, and expertise. I am grateful for the information I have gotten from you about women's health, menopause, and gut healing. After so much frustration, your close guidance, advice, and education led me to a successful weight loss. Most importantly, you were always easily accessible to answer my questions, inform, and guide me in the right direction. Your recipes are brilliant!"
Lost the weight and am back in control
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“Jennifer taught me how easy it is to eat well and how important it is to have structure. No more crazy afternoons without control, eating mindlessly in zoom meetings. We got my weight back under control and I was able to start exercising again. I am more efficient and have even found time in my day to dedicate to myself."
John Doe@username
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Jennifer taught me how letting myself go was impacting not just my health but all aspects of my life. I reclaimed my confidence and decision-making capability and learned to arbitrate between competing priorities.
Jennifer Barsky yoga and mentor for women

Where would you be today if you had started six months ago?

Imagine taking your health back into your own hands and thriving personally and professionally. 

How would it feel to find balance and truly take care of yourself
to build a lifestyle that empowers and sustains you?

What would it feel like to renew your energy and sense of self, build a beautiful, strong, resilient body and open space to realize the dreams, passions, and purpose that will guide the second half of your life?

Yes, changing habits is hard and taking care of yourself requires more work than it used to, but it’s nothing we can’t do together.

Start today and I will equip you with all the tools you need to move confidently forward with energy, balance, and strength.

Start achieving the impact you desire by having the health and wellness you deserve.

Book a free 45-minute consult (worth $250) to identify the root of your challenges and receive strategies you can start implementing today.