About Jennifer

I help women draw a line in the sand,
refresh old patterns and negative habits,
and reset the clock at midlife.
I help women draw a line in the sand, refresh old patterns
and negative habits, and reset
the clock at midlife.

this is my story

I've been there.​

I learned the hard way to prioritize myself. You don’t have to.​

In 2013 my mother was dying of breast cancer. I started to experience hot flashes and night sweats. Not every so often, but hourly, or even more. I was 41, and I felt like my body was aging and shutting down. 

I was the mother of three, my work was intense, my travel schedule grueling, and I didn’t know who to trust. I became tired and forgetful, I had anxiety, I was gaining weight, my joints were hurting, and I wasn’t sleeping. It was a struggle to inspire action in myself, let alone my team.

I was incredibly unprepared for this new phase. I made a lot of mistakes and listened to too many of the wrong people. 

Menopause was the wake-up call I needed to redefine my leadership and how I want to live out the rest of my life.

This year I turned 50, and I feel more confident, balanced, and empowered than ever. 

Take the first step toward feeling great and leading well. 

Jennifer Barsky coach mentor leader women

We're in this together.

I spent 20+ years working across 20 countries with women and girls – from the poorest of the poor to the leaders of companies and countries.  

I can tell you from experience, women all over the world struggle with loving and caring for their bodies, balancing work and home, and finding themselves in the daily chaos of life. It’s why a safe space, support and community are so important. 

I’ve worked with some of the world’s most recognized leaders and integrative practitioners in hormonal health, nutrition, yoga, and meditation. 

Don’t beat yourself up for not being able to do this on your own. There is a method to this and lots of science to back it up. If your car isn’t working, you go to a mechanic. If your habits and lifestyle aren’t working, you go to a coach. The best leaders don’t go it alone. Because it isn’t about how smart or capable you are. You need structure, accountability, and trusted support to make a change. 

You can feel good again.

I have a daughter who reminds me every day what we can achieve when we have the right support and put in the work. 

It is in your control to make a change. You can repair or harm your body, slow or speed aging and feel stuck or inspired. You just have to decide which it’s going to be. 

Nothing will get better if you keep putting yourself off. 

Jennifer Barsky coach and mentor for women