I spent 20+ years working across 20 countries with women and girls – from the poorest of the poor to the leaders of companies and countries.
I can tell you from experience, women all over the world struggle with loving and caring for their bodies, balancing work and home, and finding themselves in the daily chaos of life. It’s why a safe space, support and community are so important.
I’ve worked with some of the world’s most recognized leaders and integrative practitioners in hormonal health, nutrition, yoga, and meditation.
Don’t beat yourself up for not being able to do this on your own. There is a method to this and lots of science to back it up. If your car isn’t working, you go to a mechanic. If your habits and lifestyle aren’t working, you go to a coach. The best leaders don’t go it alone. Because it isn’t about how smart or capable you are. You need structure, accountability, and trusted support to make a change.